Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Moment I Knew I was an American

The moment I knew I was an American occurred 9 years ago. I was in kindergarten, and was 5 years old. The date was September 11th, 2001. 

My dad had dropped me off at school around 8:00. I was completely unaware of what was going on and probably wouldn't have understood the seriousness of what had happened. But all day I knew something wasn't right. I can remember very vividly the looks on my teacher's faces; the look of distress and fear. The phone in the kindergarten house rang continuously through out the day. My teacher would flinch when she heard it ring.

After a few hours, we all walked outside. I still didn't really know what was going on. The entire school was gathered around the flag pole which was at half staff. Everyone was quiet. We were told to bow our heads and say a prayer. I knew then that something was wrong.

Later that day, my mom and dad had the same feeling. I wanted to know what was wrong. My mom had told me that there had been Everywhere I went, American flags began to appear. On the news, reporters started talking about America and the country. 

That day around the flag pole, people were singing. I didn't know the name of the song until later. They were singing, "God Bless America." The strength and togetherness of the people is what showed me the power of our country. That was the moment I knew I was an American.


  1. First off: Nice picture.
    But, i still don't understand something. How does that tragedy show you that you're an American? Is it because of the way that you felt after it happened? Is it because you realized you cared? Care to elaborate?

  2. I had the same experience the day 9-11 took place. Teachers at school were sure that we wouldnt understand, so they didnt tell us what was going on. And I dont remember my school being as sentimental like your school was. I think they tried to make the day seem as normal as possible so that we wouldnt be alarmed, but like you I knew something was out of wack.

  3. By the way I'm not lying this time lol. This is true

  4. Well FrackieGirl, 9-11 didn't show to everyone that I was an American because I did some sort of Patriotic act, it made me realize, within myself, that I belonged to the United States of America and the power and strength of it's people is what what made me realize that I, myselfm was, and am, an American.
