Sunday, February 20, 2011

Modern Propaganda 2011

Propaganda as defined in Webster’s Dictionary is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation etc.; a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position, but as I see it, it’s definition is a modern day four letter word -  S-P-I-N and during this very heated mayoral race in Chicago,  the spin is out of control!  

Every time I turned on the television in the past week, there was one of the candidates pandering to the camera in a commercial, in a debate or in an interview. Each one attempting to be more charming and believable then others.  Each one claiming that they are the only candidate who promises to tackle unemployment, revamp Chicago’s school system, and put more cops on the beat if elected.  Each one claiming the others have no interest in the poor and working class of Chicago.  In fact, one candidate claims another wants to actually raise the taxes on the poor, while giving the wealthy a pass on paying taxes!  Another candidate claims her opponent is a self proclaimed crack-head!  

I realize mayor of the City of Chicago is a very desirable job, but do the candidates, or should I say their spin doctors, really think the voters believe this stuff?  Do they really think the voters believe that their candidate is the only one that wants safer streets,  smarter kids and booming businesses?   I guess they must, or is it the only way their candidate will get noticed!!

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