Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tell Tale Heart Analysis

The Tell Tale Heart is one of Edgar Allan Poe's most renounced and mist popular pieces. The story has been interpreted in numerous ways through out history and the details of the story are still debated today. One of the main themes in the story, sanity versus insanity, is examined and intensified with Poe's lack of detail and use of many words. It shows the unnamed murder's true mental deterioration and paranoia. Without detail, it shows the murder's true obsession with only specific details featured in the story including the old man's supposed evil eye, the ever pounding heart beat coming from under the floor where the remains of the dead body are hidden, and the murder's many claims to his own sanity. Is Poe using The Tell Tale Heart to illustrate his own insanity and his wanting to only be a nervous person. After all he did commit suicide resulting from his dark and feisty universe. Poe seems to want to catch the murder in his evil plot possible in the same way he wants to catch the evil that can be lying inside of him wanting to commit the same insane acts as the murder in the Tell Tale Heart.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Short Story First Draft

He was slimy, green and wet. He was mine. I had managed to convince my first grade teacher to give me the class pet turtle for break. He was perfect, the most beautiful box turtle a seven year old could ask for. I had watched him many times before burrowing under wood chips, wading in the small water bowl or nibbling on a strawberry, thinking about how much I would like to have him as a pet. Sweet talking Ms. Leonard only promoted my efforts to make him my own. My parents we excited at my enthusiasm that they also hopped on the box turtle band wagon. My father paid a visit to the local pet shop and purchased a turtle habitat which he later installed in the backyard harden that same day. My mother ventured out to the public library and withdrew various book concerning turtle care and maintenance. The afternoon I brought him home I was as thrilled as ever. He had no name as I can remember but he had found a small place in my heart. As the night fell and I could no longer remain outside or awake with my turtle. It was time to leaving him alone outside in his new turtle habitat mad especially for him. As I laid down in my bed listening to the soft sounds of nature pouring in from the open windows. I could only think of how much I wanted to be with my turtle, how much I would love him. Sunrise seemed to take years to arrive and once I awoke, I immediately woke my parents. I sleepily shuffled down the stairs and ran out to the back yard. To my surprise, my turtle was not in the same spot of which I had left him. In fact he was no where to be found in his tiny habitat. I informed my parents of this discovery and they began to search for the little critter. Eventually, my mother cried out that she had found the turtle, only to be followed by a small squeal of disgust. I soon learned that my mom believed that she did find the turtle that is until she picked up the empty shell, free of any turtle. The barren holes of which were ones occupied by four little legs and a little head were now left open. It seemed as if the raccoon and opossum that over populated my yard during the midnight hours managed to get to my turtle before I could.