Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor is a character in the play we are reading in class entitled The Crucible. The Crucible takes place in Province of Massachusetts Bay during 1692 and 1693. During this time, the area was heavliy populated with Puritians who believed that there was witch craft with in the town. Because there was sickness and things they couldn'tunderstandor explain, they automatically blamed thier problems on someone else by acuaing them of being witches.

Unlike the other charaters in this play, John Proctor does not beileve in this talk of witchery. Rather than blaming others for the problems, he believs they should take the blame themselves because he himself does not belive that there is witch craft. Many people in the town disagree with his beliefs, such as the town's reverend,who seems to be in the middle of all the witchery with his daughter, niece, and slave seen "conguring spirits," in the forest.

I believe that because John Proctor does not agree with the rest of the town, that makes him a hero. Although the town may be against him a think he is a stooge, having his own thoughts is what makes him smarter than everyone else. Though he is not perfect and the town may accuse him of following the devil, having freedom of thought is the herioc trait of John Proctor.

I believe if I was living during the late 1600's in the middle of all of this, I would follow in the footsteps of John Proctor. I would want to have my own belief rather than follow the ideas of others. I would stand for what is true and not submiss to the general assembly.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of Angry God

        Sinners in the hands of Angry God. I am sure you are all very aware of the words of colonial american preachers.. Kidding.

We recently read a passage in our textbooks with the respective title. Johnathon Edwards preached this moments piece on July 8, 1741. He portrays a completely different image of God than what I have grown up knowing. I have grown up following the Catholic depiction of God; a God who forgives, a God who understands, a God who loves. Edwards preaches of a much different image of God; a powerful master who holds your life in his hands, who is willing to drop you any minute. According to Edwards, God "is not only able to cast wicked men into hell, but he can most easily do it." His goal is to see you slip and fall, to drop you out of his palm. If you do not follow the strict lifestyle of God, which Puritans like Johnathon Edwards believed in, he will easily cast you into hell.

I find this exaggeration extremely preposterous. If I was a young Puritan listening to Edwards during a church sermon, I would be terrified! not only am I forced to follow this simple, theocratic lifestyle, but if I fail to, I will be banished to the deepest abyss of hell. This opinion may be influenced by today's society but this intensely serious doctrine would give me chills.

And "Angry God?" Seriously? The last thing God should be is angry. He is God. He has nothing to be angry about.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood

Blog post number two. There Goes The Neighborhood. I feel like my last entry was very cold and proper, maybe because I was unaware what my English teacher was expecting, maybe because my mother forced me to.

There goes the neighborhood. A mass exodus. A flight of one by the entry of another. There has been many instances of this in the past, however, near the community where I live, that wasn't the case.

Many years ago, during the 1960's, there was segregation in the United States. Neighborhoods were either black or white. When one race would enter the neighborhood - if the had the courage to - that would leave to the flight of the other. Even is Chicago, segregation was present. Many neighborhoods followed this same pattern, but one, on the Southwest side, did not.

The Beverley Hills neighborhood, acted in the exact opposite way of the other neighborhoods during that time. A once predominately white area, is now one of the most diverse communities in the city because of the actions during the 1960's. When African Americans moved into the neighborhood, the white people did not flee. There was no relocation, no exodus. The two races managed to live together peacefully and with out flaw. Surprise? Don't think so.

Today we know that diversity is good and necessary for survival, but then, it was brand new. Black and White weren't meant to mix, as seen before in previous neighborhoods. Beverly was a big hop, skip and a jump towards civil rights and it effected everyone. The fact that there wasn't a "There Goes The Neighborhood," effect was a big deal that lead towards civil rights which changed the world.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Introductions are what occurs when you meet someone new, the beginning of every relationship, when everyone seems nice and likable; before you get to know the person you have just met. The, "Hello's," and the, "Nice to meet you's," and the, "I've heard a lot about you's." I have the slightest of hope that my introduction will be more than just a, "Hello," or a "Nice to meet you." I hope it explains some of who I am.

My name is Nikki Pietrus. I am a high school freshman at Whitney Young High School. I have a great family and great friends. I have many special qualities and interests that make me who I am. I have grown up living on the far South West side of Chicago. Prior to attending Whitney Young as a seventh and eighth grade Academic Center student, or Ackie, I attended Morgan Park Academy, a small private school also located on the South West side. I attended first, second, and third grade at Clissold Elementary in the Montessori program. You can say I have done a lot of school hopping in my day. I think because I have attended various schools, each very different from the other, it has encouraged me to become a more outgoing student and person. I have friends from my childhood and all over the city who I have fond memories with because of the experiences I have had the privilege to enjoy. 

Outside of school, I have many extra curricular activities that I am involved in. Sports are a big component in my life. As my mother likes to say, "It keeps you in shape, and it keeps you out of trouble." The two sports I play are volleyball and softball, softball being my favorite. I am currently on the junior varsity volleyball team at Whitney Young and playing competitive travel softball. I am very dedicated to my teams and always play to win. Also, during my spare time between school and practices, I manage to play the piano. I have played since I was three years and have become very passionate when I sit down to play. It helps me be a more well rounded person.

Another important part of my life is my family and friends. My family consists of my mom, dad, and I. I have no siblings. I have one dog. Her name is Belle. She is the most spoiled dog you would ever meet. My mom, Debbie, is a second and third grade Montessori teacher at Clissold and my dad, Bob, is a engineer for the Chicago Fire Department. We love to travel as a family over the summer and during school breaks when both my mother and I are both off. This previously summer, we traveled to Tennessee, Florida, and California. We spend a lot of time together which makes us very close. We love each other and help each other everyday.

Although this is some rather basic information, I hope it has given you some information and an introduction to me.