Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor is a character in the play we are reading in class entitled The Crucible. The Crucible takes place in Province of Massachusetts Bay during 1692 and 1693. During this time, the area was heavliy populated with Puritians who believed that there was witch craft with in the town. Because there was sickness and things they couldn'tunderstandor explain, they automatically blamed thier problems on someone else by acuaing them of being witches.

Unlike the other charaters in this play, John Proctor does not beileve in this talk of witchery. Rather than blaming others for the problems, he believs they should take the blame themselves because he himself does not belive that there is witch craft. Many people in the town disagree with his beliefs, such as the town's reverend,who seems to be in the middle of all the witchery with his daughter, niece, and slave seen "conguring spirits," in the forest.

I believe that because John Proctor does not agree with the rest of the town, that makes him a hero. Although the town may be against him a think he is a stooge, having his own thoughts is what makes him smarter than everyone else. Though he is not perfect and the town may accuse him of following the devil, having freedom of thought is the herioc trait of John Proctor.

I believe if I was living during the late 1600's in the middle of all of this, I would follow in the footsteps of John Proctor. I would want to have my own belief rather than follow the ideas of others. I would stand for what is true and not submiss to the general assembly.


  1. No way! I think that john was a total stooge. i consider adultary frowned upon. =)

  2. I agree with you when you say that he is a hero for his individualality, this makes him a true leader. Another thing that I believe makes Proctor a hero is his idea of self worth.
